MERAVIGLIA CRUISE SHIP (2017) Nantes, France

MERAVIGLIA CRUISE SHIP (2017) Nantes, FranceMERAVIGLIA CRUISE SHIP (2017) Nantes, FranceMERAVIGLIA CRUISE SHIP (2017) Nantes, FranceMERAVIGLIA CRUISE SHIP (2017) Nantes, FranceMERAVIGLIA CRUISE SHIP (2017) Nantes, FranceMERAVIGLIA CRUISE SHIP (2017) Nantes, France

MERAVIGLIA CRUISE SHIP, Nantes, France (2017)

Specifier: STX France / Ship Builder
Installer: Interlignes Deco.

Project: 1 NEW/LIGHT ceiling in the upper promenade and 1 NEW/GRAPHIC ceiling in the cocktail bar (approximately 610 square feet total) using T0B3S/soft white translucent membrane and a custom print for the cocktail bar area.